تعداد کل بازدید : 77485

  بازدید امروز : 23

anyway - نانوشته

[ خانه | ایمیل |شناسنامه | مدیریت ]


موضوعات وبلاگ




لینک به لوگوی من

anyway - نانوشته





حضور و غیاب



جستجوی سریع


با سرعتی بی‏نظیر و باورنکردنی
متن یادداشت‏ها و پیام‏ها را بکاوید!


آوای آشنا



آرشیو مهر ماه
آرشیو آذر ماه
آرشیو دی ماه


حرص دردانشمند [از بدترین چیزهاست] . [امام حسین علیه السلام]


کویر::: سه شنبه 84/1/2::: ساعت 3:33 صبح








People are often unreasonable

Illogical and self-centered.

Forgive them anyway.


If you are kind,

People may accuse

You of selfish motives;

Be kind anyway.


If you are successful,

You will win some false friends

And some true enemies;

Succeed anyway.


If you are honest and frank,

People may cheat you;

Be honest and frank anyway.


What you spend years building,

Someone could destroy overnight;

Build anyway.


If you find serenity and happiness,

They may be jealous;

Be happy anyway.


The good you do today,

People will often forget tomorrow;

Do good anyway.


Give the world the best you have,

And it may never be enough;

Give the world the best you have anyway.


You see, in the final analysis,

It is between you and God;

It never was between you and them anyway




موضوعات یادداشت

[ خانه | ایمیل |شناسنامه | مدیریت ]

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